2011 tops the charts with 1339 rescue calls that I am aware of and likely another 1000 I'm not. Of the 1339, 274 were actually Wolf dogs. The rest were from backyard breeders who have no brains or moral fiber. Puppies bought by people too lazy to learn anything before sucking up all of the garbage these breeders feed them.
Several people spent days or weeks trying to share facts and educate these fools in California. HYBRIDWOLFPUP dot com...
However they prefer to scam people and send innocent puppies to doom.
They have NO Wolf Dogs, but advertise Mid % litters ?
All part of the bigger scam called WOLFHUSKYPUPS and K9STUD
Deceptive trade is actually a crime in most states. In California, false advertising.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Latest Nonsense
Kid was already dead, appears Dog (not a Wolf Hybrid) was blamed erroneously. Dogs don't attack sleeping children. Must be another explanation, perhaps trying to save him? or? rest assured the marks were no where near a half eaten kid as written.
Kid was already dead, appears Dog (not a Wolf Hybrid) was blamed erroneously. Dogs don't attack sleeping children. Must be another explanation, perhaps trying to save him? or? rest assured the marks were no where near a half eaten kid as written.
Friday, July 1, 2011
June 2011
37 animals claimed to be part Wolf circulated through the networkin June. An alert to prepare for a certain 50 plus coming from a closed down facility kicks of July.
A female escaped from an Akron Ohio breeder and was trapped by concerned citizens. Sadly she died trying to escape again before rescue groups could get there.
Animals from elite breeders are now ending up in Sanctuaries. Economics is starting to take a serious toll on the upper income sector.
A female escaped from an Akron Ohio breeder and was trapped by concerned citizens. Sadly she died trying to escape again before rescue groups could get there.
Animals from elite breeders are now ending up in Sanctuaries. Economics is starting to take a serious toll on the upper income sector.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
June A Disaster
Another continuous issue by a backyard breeder. Last year one of his males was shot by a fool with a rifle from his car. Now a female at large was coerced into a garage to await help. She died trying to escape.
People are idiots plain and simple. These animals are terrified when they get loose. They are not going to attack people. All of these the result of people who should NOT have Wolf Dogs, sold by breeders who should not be breeding.
People are idiots plain and simple. These animals are terrified when they get loose. They are not going to attack people. All of these the result of people who should NOT have Wolf Dogs, sold by breeders who should not be breeding.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Updates June
May was busy. We had about 25 rescue calls with unusual stats that most this month were actually Wolf Dogs.
We headed to Texas for 1 that was deliberately abandoned by his idiot. Then we had a female Tornado victim who has been lost in Ga. but because Wolf Dogs are illegal in Ga. AC insisted in getting her out of the state. At the same time a pup turns up loose in Arkansas apparently abandoned also. Then another in Ohio is trapped in a bad spot but she hangs herself in a vent during the night trying to escape.
More NOT Wolf Dogs in peril all over from being mislabeled, threatening rescue with the burden of guilt if we cannot accomodate.
Computer rescuers are saturating Facebook looking for their own glory minutes but unwilling to step up to the plate.
Hundreds of animals lost and homeless in Alabama, Missouri, Georgia, Mississippi. Not newsworthy, but CNN spends 2 weeks on Anthony Weiner?
We headed to Texas for 1 that was deliberately abandoned by his idiot. Then we had a female Tornado victim who has been lost in Ga. but because Wolf Dogs are illegal in Ga. AC insisted in getting her out of the state. At the same time a pup turns up loose in Arkansas apparently abandoned also. Then another in Ohio is trapped in a bad spot but she hangs herself in a vent during the night trying to escape.
More NOT Wolf Dogs in peril all over from being mislabeled, threatening rescue with the burden of guilt if we cannot accomodate.
Computer rescuers are saturating Facebook looking for their own glory minutes but unwilling to step up to the plate.
Hundreds of animals lost and homeless in Alabama, Missouri, Georgia, Mississippi. Not newsworthy, but CNN spends 2 weeks on Anthony Weiner?
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
HOAXES for the public
Universal Kennal Club, allows anyone to register anything as anything they like, providing a brand on paperwork to aid in the spoof presentation of animals being passed off as?????
Wolf Hybrids, Wolf Dogs , registered with the UKC are a "RED FLAG"
Doggie DNA labs have popped up everywhere. $60. to $125.00 to tell you that there are 30 different DNA markers (breeds) in your dog.
We tested 1 dog on 3 different labs, all 3 results were so ridiculously different that without a doubt this is the biggest scam ever to hit the animal industry.
Wolf Hybrids, Wolf Dogs , registered with the UKC are a "RED FLAG"
Doggie DNA labs have popped up everywhere. $60. to $125.00 to tell you that there are 30 different DNA markers (breeds) in your dog.
We tested 1 dog on 3 different labs, all 3 results were so ridiculously different that without a doubt this is the biggest scam ever to hit the animal industry.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Well as we head into summer, last years pups are now a handful for the useless humans who had to have them. So we have yearlings and 2 year olds as well as a few that have endured some years either tied up or ??
Do you have what it takes to care for a Wolf Dog? Are you one of the few who can commit?
Learn the positive side of Wolf Dog companionship.
Do you have what it takes to care for a Wolf Dog? Are you one of the few who can commit?
Learn the positive side of Wolf Dog companionship.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
So you think it doesn't hurt to call a dog a wolfdog?

"This black dog was killed this morning, because it bit a kid. The dog had puppies, (courtesy of a pit bull), and the owners and Animal Control said it was a wolfdog. I do not see a wolf hair in this dog. This abuse has to stop. Please, stand by me as I contact Sheriff Duncan and offer EDUCATION, and a complain that this dog was killed needlessly, and it brain sent to Raleigh needlessly, at our taxpaying expense."
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Why is it so hard to understand?
What constitutes a bad wolfdog breeder is first and foremost, the care of the animals. If they are kept on short chained for all of their lives, then that is not a good home for them. If they are bred every single time the female comes into season, that is not a good breeder. If there are multiple litters being born at once, that is not a good breeder. If the basics aren't met, then that is not a good home for the animal, especially not one where he or she is used for breeding.
Another VERY IMPORTANT factor that separates the "good" wolfdog breeders from the "bad" is, you guessed it, misrepresentation.
It seems like we go over the dangers of misrepresentation very often. I'll do it again now, just so it MIGHT somehow get through the thick skulls of some people who just refuse to see the truth.
The dangers of misrepresenting the amount of wolf in an animal cannot be taken lightly! This is a serious issue and we need all of the help we can get to educate the public and unfortunately certain "wolfdog" owners/breeders on content and why it is not a good idea to lie or exaggerate the amount of wolf in an animal.
Dangers for the owner include that if they decide to get another "wolf" as a friend for Lobo, this time the real thing, they will be in for a huge surprise. More wolf content does not make a better pet! Human ego causes us to want to own something "exotic," a "piece of the wild" -- something to flaunt and show off to our friends. This "wolf" can either be a husky that somewhat resembles one, or a Labrador mix that somebody wants to spice up by calling it a "hybrid". Those people that brag about their so-called wolf are only putting their companions in danger. If the 'wolf' dog EVER causes harm to a person or animal, or gets loose and is impounded, well guess what, chances are they won't get him back...all because of some idiot's inflated ego.
Many veterinarians refuse to treat animals that are (supposedly) part wolf. Your veterinarian is not trained to assess wolf content. They typically go with what the customer says- if you say your animal is part wolf, that is what they will put down on paper. Hopefully, they won't suggest to people that their dog might be part wolf - because chances are, it isn't. Unless it looks like a wolf (and after seeing so many VERIFIED wolves and wolfdogs, it gets very easy to recognize the ones that are actually part wolf and the ones that aren't), it probably is not part wolf.
Phenotyping is the only way to determine the amount of wolf content in an animal whose lines are not accurate and verified. Also, remember that after the initial wolf x dog 50/50 cross, the percentages on paper are meaningless. Even though breeding two 50% animals together will produce animals that are 50% wolf on paper, the variations within the litter can and probably will be quite striking. Some pups will look very wolf-like, and others very dog-like. After that 50/50 cross, everything is up to genetics. And no, there is NOT a DNA test that can tell you the percentage of wolf in your animal. Breeders will say that their animals were DNA tested and that's how they "know" their curly-tailed blue eyed dogs are 96.75% wolf. Which is a good excuse, right? Who's going to argue with science? That's what makes it frustrating. People believe the lies of those breeders because they do make themselves sound good. They might take care of their babies, but my misrepresenting their content, they are putting themselves and their animals in danger.
Phenotyping is determining the wolf content of an animal based on appearance. It is the safest bet when working with rescues or animals from crappy breeders who don't really know what they have. When done by someone who knows what to look for, it is a very useful tool. It helps save a lot of lives, for example when a malamute mix is turned in to a county shelter by his owners as a "hybrid", if it weren't for wolfdog rescuers stepping in and saying "no, that animal does not have any wolf in him", that poor dog would have been euthanized. All because of 1) his owner's stupidity and 2) WOLFDOG MISREPRESENTATION.
Isn't it interesting how all of these breeders of so-called high content wolfdogs, with animals with blue eyes, curly tails, big ears, short muzzles, facial markings, white toenails...isn't it interesting how NONE of the animals at Wolf Park look like that? Isn't it just amazing how none of the wolves in our high school biology book look like that? How none of the wolves on National Geographic shows look like that?
So what is the explanation, then?!??
Living a "tame" life changes them biologically? LOL. Yes, over THOUSANDS of years, it sure will! But when you have a TRUE wolfdog, it's not gonna look like a husky/malamute mix. It's going to look like a WOLF and have at least some wolf characteristics. It's not going to look just like a mixed breed dog you can find at the county shelter.
I'm going to stop for now...but for those who haven't seen the latest mess that the idiots of the world are stirring:
Another VERY IMPORTANT factor that separates the "good" wolfdog breeders from the "bad" is, you guessed it, misrepresentation.
It seems like we go over the dangers of misrepresentation very often. I'll do it again now, just so it MIGHT somehow get through the thick skulls of some people who just refuse to see the truth.
The dangers of misrepresenting the amount of wolf in an animal cannot be taken lightly! This is a serious issue and we need all of the help we can get to educate the public and unfortunately certain "wolfdog" owners/breeders on content and why it is not a good idea to lie or exaggerate the amount of wolf in an animal.
Dangers for the owner include that if they decide to get another "wolf" as a friend for Lobo, this time the real thing, they will be in for a huge surprise. More wolf content does not make a better pet! Human ego causes us to want to own something "exotic," a "piece of the wild" -- something to flaunt and show off to our friends. This "wolf" can either be a husky that somewhat resembles one, or a Labrador mix that somebody wants to spice up by calling it a "hybrid". Those people that brag about their so-called wolf are only putting their companions in danger. If the 'wolf' dog EVER causes harm to a person or animal, or gets loose and is impounded, well guess what, chances are they won't get him back...all because of some idiot's inflated ego.
Many veterinarians refuse to treat animals that are (supposedly) part wolf. Your veterinarian is not trained to assess wolf content. They typically go with what the customer says- if you say your animal is part wolf, that is what they will put down on paper. Hopefully, they won't suggest to people that their dog might be part wolf - because chances are, it isn't. Unless it looks like a wolf (and after seeing so many VERIFIED wolves and wolfdogs, it gets very easy to recognize the ones that are actually part wolf and the ones that aren't), it probably is not part wolf.
Phenotyping is the only way to determine the amount of wolf content in an animal whose lines are not accurate and verified. Also, remember that after the initial wolf x dog 50/50 cross, the percentages on paper are meaningless. Even though breeding two 50% animals together will produce animals that are 50% wolf on paper, the variations within the litter can and probably will be quite striking. Some pups will look very wolf-like, and others very dog-like. After that 50/50 cross, everything is up to genetics. And no, there is NOT a DNA test that can tell you the percentage of wolf in your animal. Breeders will say that their animals were DNA tested and that's how they "know" their curly-tailed blue eyed dogs are 96.75% wolf. Which is a good excuse, right? Who's going to argue with science? That's what makes it frustrating. People believe the lies of those breeders because they do make themselves sound good. They might take care of their babies, but my misrepresenting their content, they are putting themselves and their animals in danger.
Phenotyping is determining the wolf content of an animal based on appearance. It is the safest bet when working with rescues or animals from crappy breeders who don't really know what they have. When done by someone who knows what to look for, it is a very useful tool. It helps save a lot of lives, for example when a malamute mix is turned in to a county shelter by his owners as a "hybrid", if it weren't for wolfdog rescuers stepping in and saying "no, that animal does not have any wolf in him", that poor dog would have been euthanized. All because of 1) his owner's stupidity and 2) WOLFDOG MISREPRESENTATION.
Isn't it interesting how all of these breeders of so-called high content wolfdogs, with animals with blue eyes, curly tails, big ears, short muzzles, facial markings, white toenails...isn't it interesting how NONE of the animals at Wolf Park look like that? Isn't it just amazing how none of the wolves in our high school biology book look like that? How none of the wolves on National Geographic shows look like that?
So what is the explanation, then?!??
Living a "tame" life changes them biologically? LOL. Yes, over THOUSANDS of years, it sure will! But when you have a TRUE wolfdog, it's not gonna look like a husky/malamute mix. It's going to look like a WOLF and have at least some wolf characteristics. It's not going to look just like a mixed breed dog you can find at the county shelter.
I'm going to stop for now...but for those who haven't seen the latest mess that the idiots of the world are stirring:
Thursday, February 10, 2011
IDIOTS are alive and well.
It's one thing to be stupid, but another to be stupid and think you're smart.
Rude arrogant Texas female, less than human, took her Wolf Dog to the woods and let him go, claiming he would survive on his own.
He did, after finding someone who cared enough to recognize that he was scared and hungry.
needs to be charged with animal cruelty. Her deliberate acts after help was offered by rescuers repeatedly, she claimed she would shoot him in the face before giving him to anyone. She also said she hoped he would get hit by a truck.
All of this is documented. All records from breeder, and microchip lead to this idiot woman who will soon be a mother to a baby?
Rude arrogant Texas female, less than human, took her Wolf Dog to the woods and let him go, claiming he would survive on his own.
He did, after finding someone who cared enough to recognize that he was scared and hungry.
needs to be charged with animal cruelty. Her deliberate acts after help was offered by rescuers repeatedly, she claimed she would shoot him in the face before giving him to anyone. She also said she hoped he would get hit by a truck.
All of this is documented. All records from breeder, and microchip lead to this idiot woman who will soon be a mother to a baby?
Saturday, February 5, 2011
"Wolf hybrid" breeder warns FBI of scam
Meanwhile, she sells huskies as "wolf hybrids" and scams dozens of people every year.
Where is the justice?
Meanwhile, she sells huskies as "wolf hybrids" and scams dozens of people every year.
Where is the justice?
Friday, February 4, 2011
Gee, What a Surprise
I came upon this site by accident and am very surprised by all the info which is very useful but am very concerned since last year I bought a "wolfdog" from the wolf husky pups site and had been waiting for the litter to be born, they were just born on Jan 23 2011 but was told the pups would be born around Nov or Dec 2010, they even had a "site" where they showed both parents, supposedly the mom's a high content wolfdog and the father is a mid content wolf+malamute mix.
They featured this "site" on the wolf husky pups.com page but after some time it suddenly "disappeared" leaving no track or info about this "ranch" whatsoever.
The so called ranch's name is "Lazy TDD ranch" and is supposedly located in southern California near san diego..
http://www.pups plus.com/litter3 this is their page which hasn't been updated for months and just seems very phoney to me...
I don't know what to think and would like to know if wolf husky pups is in fact a puppy mill with fake wolfdogs?I had thought about it before but wasn't very sure and tried not to think of it much but then came across this page http://www.virginiawolves.webs.com/ which finally led me to yours...
I'd really like to have an actual mid content wolfdog and if I have to wait longer to get a real one I will but I don't want to contribute to this terrible business which is puppy mills..and also would love to find out more about wolf husky pups.com to spread the word since many may be fooled as I probably was...no one should ever go through this, I really want to know more and I hope you are able to respond to me soon, since if you have any information I'd be very happy and thankful to know so I can cancel with them and hopefully get a refund since I pretty much payed about $900 last july for a "wolfdog" pup..which will probably be fake.
I'm not only looking for a real quality wolfdog but also a truthful breeder with values who will actually care for his/her wolfdogs and not just make a profit out of them and exploit innocent animals.
Anyway, sorry for the long message, but as I said I'm very concerned about all this.. I really hope you can answer soon, till then I'll wait patiently, thanks in advance.
I came upon this site by accident and am very surprised by all the info which is very useful but am very concerned since last year I bought a "wolfdog" from the wolf husky pups site and had been waiting for the litter to be born, they were just born on Jan 23 2011 but was told the pups would be born around Nov or Dec 2010, they even had a "site" where they showed both parents, supposedly the mom's a high content wolfdog and the father is a mid content wolf+malamute mix.
They featured this "site" on the wolf husky pups.com page but after some time it suddenly "disappeared" leaving no track or info about this "ranch" whatsoever.
The so called ranch's name is "Lazy TDD ranch" and is supposedly located in southern California near san diego..
http://www.pups plus.com/litter3 this is their page which hasn't been updated for months and just seems very phoney to me...
I don't know what to think and would like to know if wolf husky pups is in fact a puppy mill with fake wolfdogs?I had thought about it before but wasn't very sure and tried not to think of it much but then came across this page http://www.virginiawolves.webs.com/ which finally led me to yours...
I'd really like to have an actual mid content wolfdog and if I have to wait longer to get a real one I will but I don't want to contribute to this terrible business which is puppy mills..and also would love to find out more about wolf husky pups.com to spread the word since many may be fooled as I probably was...no one should ever go through this, I really want to know more and I hope you are able to respond to me soon, since if you have any information I'd be very happy and thankful to know so I can cancel with them and hopefully get a refund since I pretty much payed about $900 last july for a "wolfdog" pup..which will probably be fake.
I'm not only looking for a real quality wolfdog but also a truthful breeder with values who will actually care for his/her wolfdogs and not just make a profit out of them and exploit innocent animals.
Anyway, sorry for the long message, but as I said I'm very concerned about all this.. I really hope you can answer soon, till then I'll wait patiently, thanks in advance.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
New Year Same BS
2011 kicks off with more of the same garbage. Idiots coming out of the woods, most expect you to drop everything and pay to bail them.
11 since Christmas eve.
11 since Christmas eve.
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