Monday, January 5, 2009


The most controversial canine is a Wolf / Dog mix. So many variations of these animals has caused numerous myths and vast miseducation that has devastated their existence.
Where it all begins is with human greed. People who believe they should make money regardless of the pain and suffering their actions inflict on others and the animals that they breed for profit.
There are less than 20 legitimate Wolf Dog or Wolf Hybrid breeders. There are thousands who claim to be.

What makes a breeder legitimate? Aside from the obvious...

a) Knowledge of lineage.
b) Ability to educate those who buy their animals with TRUTH.
c) Ability to evaluate humans that should or should not have them.
d) Saying no to those who should not have them.
e) Taking back any that did not work out and not ignoring the issue.
f) Honest about percentage

If you have no experience with these dogs, it is advisable to volunteer at a rescue sanctuary where the best education is available. Rescuers usually have every level of percent, and every personality type.

The reason there are so many rescues across the country is because there are so many irresponsible dishonest breeders.

Here is a list of a few we know are bogus,

The harm these people do is tragic. Their pups are innocent victims of both the ignorance of the breeders and the ignorance of the buyers. A high number end up dead at an early age, many end up in shelters labelled as 'Wolves" and then euthanized due to lies. Many have no Wolf blood at all.

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