Over and over again I hear how people's animals were saved from the wild, pulled from a den because the mother was trapped, shot, lost? Rescued from Alaska, removed from the Yellowstone re-intro plan, you name it, idiots believe it. I even have a lineage scribbled on a piece of napkin, that a puppy breeder gave the buyer at a truck stop where he was meeting her to make the exchange. Never do these animals turn out to be Wolves.
People who have Wolves don't make up fairy tales, and they know exactly what they have, likely paid dearly for it, have spent thousands on proper fencing, or they are rescuers.
Mar 6, 09, I spot a blurb for help in training. I offer my advice, but as the conversation gets deeper, it becomes a cartoon.
4 month old pup, rescued from Colorado State Park by Ranger, claimed to be a Wolfdog cross F1 caused by dogs running loose in the park? Claims the "pack" was killed by hunters who are all in jail now.
As I offered information that is fact, once again the woman got all wierd and defensive about her Ranger friend who drove 1800 miles to bring her the pup.
NO WOLF breeds in September - October, Dog or No Dog involved.
The most likely scenario, if this pup was found in the Wilderness by a Ranger is,,,, Some idiot dumped a few low % Wolfdogs thinking they would survive on their own.
What the hell is wrong with humans?
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