Friday, April 2, 2010



On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 6:29 PM, RightPuppy Kennel wrote:
you are a fucking pussy. big man over the internet. not man enough to speak. fucking faggot.

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 8:28 PM, Steve ="" > wrote:
real intelligent
why would I want to talk to you? Obviously you aren't a man. Just a boy who wants to fight.

You're just like Tilley, can't prove me wrong, so you get tough and say childish things.

You're an animal abuser.
The Tamaskan Breeders Assoc. wants to hang your ass.

You can only be a jackass for so long, it will all come to an end soon.

stop spamming me with your puppy mill ads

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 6:23 PM, RightPuppy Kennel "" target="_blank"> wrote:
my dogs live in an inside kennel. how would they know what month it is? why dont you call me so that we can discuss. what are you afraid of. anyway, why the fuck to you care what i do? why dont you mind your own fucking business. who made you the expert.

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 8:18 PM, Steve ="" wrote:

the fact is you don't even know that high content animals DO NOT breed in August. They only breed once a year in Jan/Feb. All pups are whelped in spring.
Arctics above the dewline will breed as late as April. So I guess that in itself should tell you something?
Anybody who is breeding animals should know the basics about them???

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 6:11 PM, Steve "" > wrote:
these are Arctics

this breeder knows his lines all the way back to the animals that first came to the mainland.
His animals are the best there is and he won't quote you %.

Either you know what you're looking at or you don't.

look how tall they are compared to you Black and Tilley's.
Look closely at their features. These are Wolves. You are a victim of lies and too lazy to research for yourself.

There are only about 8 true breeders of Wolfdogs. The rest are just letting animals breed and don't know what they are getting, so they make up %.

It isn't like Dog breeding at all.

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Steve ="" "_blank">< wrote:
I know all about it, so if you believe that jerk, then you have no clue what a Wolfdog looks like.
Same moron who thinks there is really such thing as "Rare Raven Black Yukon"

You are simple minded Kevin.

I have been living with these animals for 18 years. There's more bullshit out there then you will ever know.


attached is my Arctic / Grey cross.
As well as her pen mate, an Eastern Grey / BC cross,

that is what a Wolf looks like. Arctics have huge feet, long pasterns, dorsal capes, and wedged heads with tufts. They don't look like pink nosed Shepherds.

The black one you have is low mid% and the grey one is a Malamute with maybe 7-8 generations out

It takes years to breed good lines, and you need good lines to start with, Tilley has no clue what he's doing. He was handed a line of crap from Marsha Young and he thinks his black dog is a pure Wolf.

All you are doing is adding to the problem that rescues have to clean up. You likely have no idea what states are legal or the fact that there is a federal law that NO county shelters anywhere are permitted to adopt out an animal labeled part Wolf, even if it's a Pug.

People you sell to are handed the same BS that Tilley handed you, and they are probably breeding their "WOLVES" they bought from you.
What do you think pups from those dogs are? You don't know.

There is only 1 breeder east of Ohio that has true Arctic lines, and he breeds animals for looks and not disposition, Tilley wouldn't know a Wolf if it bit him.

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 5:08 PM, RightPuppy Kennel "" > would you like to speak with the breeder? his name is paul tilley. here is his website "" > him the % in Arctic. He bred the dog. Would you like to go in meet the wolf parents? Let me know when you would like to schedule a time and meet the parents. I can put you in the cage with the arctic wolf parents.

Dude, you are making a serious fool of yourself.
This is a Shepherd / Malamute, not a bit of Wolf.

Your \"Tamaskans\" are poorly bred northern breed mutts.

Why not stick to what you know, be the best at it rather than being a problem?

Kevin Settineri, RightPuppy, Inc.


  1. Kevin Settineri of Right Puppy Kennel commits fraud and harrasses other breeders. He should be in jail for torturing his animals and for commiting internet fraud.

  2. Kevin is a fraud and lies about his dogs. He sold me an adult shiba which he stated was trained. I recieved him with no papers, underweight, and not at all house trained like he said. He's a liar. Sells his dogs then ignores you when there is an issue.

