Well I fully understand the basic idea of animal rights. People are surely cruel and useless. I cannot support the ways of these groups or the fact that they bilk millions from the public to pay huge salaries and never a penny helps any animal.
So, the people who do hands on rescue that have no time or means to solicit funds are spending their own money. What can we do about that?
Many small under funded charities are all around in every city and state. The public doesn't know about them because they have no means of promotion.
Operations like PETA, HSUS are taking in over 100 million a year,and never leave their air conditioned offices or pick up a pile of shit, or feed a bowl of dogfood, or offer any assistance in any disaster, even though they will make the public think they do!!!
After hurricane Katrina, PETA sent a few people in T Shirts to parade around and do nothing while Best Friends, Noah, and other rescue organizations did all of the work.
Peta made the public believe they actually rescued animals? anyone have any proof?
SOJOURN INC is a Tennessee based 501c3 charity for Wolfdogs. We do hands on care and rescue, but our entire expenses for a year are under 15,000.00.
We have yet to see 1/3 of that.
Our intentions were to divert anything over that to transport and rescue expenses for all Wolfdog volunteers and emergencies involving other hands on facilities that needed help.
How does the word get out, so that those who can afford or need the tax diversion to support useless scam charities, start changing their ways?
The answer is YOU
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