Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The BS gets deeper in the south

Let me just say that anyone who rescues animals and breeds them is obviously an uneducated fool.
There are places in the south that misrepresent their animals to make themselves look important or intelligent. They all make hilarious claims that they are trained biologists, or that their Veterinarian is an expert on Wolves, or that they had DNA tests to prove they have WOLVES...

BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT,,,,,,,The facts are the facts.

A litter of liver nosed, white faced, pink footed pups that are born Sept 2 are NOT WOLVES.

This guy then tries to tell me that the entire state's Wildlife population is out of wack due to our earth's issues. That there are even spotted Fawns in January!!!!!!

Well DUH,,,, Fawns are spotted, and their spots don't fade out until the Winter's end.

He accuses me of trying to discredit him? Wasn't he doing that himself?

Stay tuned, cuz this guy isn't going to stop being a dumbass.

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