Tuesday, December 8, 2009



Utah is the puppy mill broker PUPSPLUS



Friday, November 13, 2009

Long break

63 dogs surrendered by rescuer in Cheatham County Tn. Nov 12.
220 in Texas PTS by Animal Control.
State of California reports 28,000 plus pets PTS in October.

PETS4YOU promotes puppy mills.


Monday, October 12, 2009

another Chapparal ripoff

you’ll be shocked to learn that this woman was sold an animal stated to be 89% wolf for $1200 – looks like a GSD/husky/mal cross, of course. Anyway, she had multiple problems with the dog (health, behavioral advice needed, etc.), tried repeatedly and desperately to get in touch with Craparral, and guess what? They wouldn’t return her calls.

Saturday, October 10, 2009



these women are either mentally ill or they have had lobotomies

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mississippi Maria

Well all you ducklings, keep an eye out for disaster to strike at the self proclaimed Wolf Preserve in Miss. This stupid woman is allowing her captive bred pack full of females to vie for position.
Sadly she's about to either learn a very nasty lesson, or get herself hurt?

this is what she has learned from the moron Shaun Ellis


The Wolf girls are really vying for position and every week I see something new. Woha will get up the gumption to stand up to her Mother and Alpha Female Ohoyo. She gets no backing from the rest of the pack because she can be down right mean to all of them at times, so she gives up her campaign. She once again submits to her Mother. She then either takes it out on Nita or Chito. As of late it has been mostly Chito. It’s funny because Chito and Nita used to be so close and stand up to Woha. I haven’t seen that happen for a very long time until recently. Nita actually feels bad for Chito and will lick her even when Woha is bullying her. Chito in the past year had not done the same for her. Recently, I am seeing her if not defend her Omega Sister but comfort her when Woes the terrible is on the warpath. They need to keep their Mother in power for as long as they could. Woha though very sweet and funny with humans and the male Wolves, can be
brutal to the other females. She won’t even let them howl. It is shades of Waya when he was on top but look what happened to him. So, it’s up in the air who will eventually rule the roost as far as the females go. I certainly hope that Ohoyo can keep her position for a very long time.

Monday, September 21, 2009


ANOTHER intelligent bogus breeder emerges from B.C.
claims he has 98% pups and Arctics. How do you get 98% pups from a Mid male?

his reply of course was evidence of his high I.Q.

And I highly recommend you go and fuck your self.lol

Sun Valley Wolf kennels

and another reply from this useles raghead that Canada let in.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 2:07 PM
To: Steve

As I said Fuck Your Self You Dum Fuck...LOL
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: YOUR CLAIMS
From: Steve <wolfman1056@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, September 21, 2009 6:25 am
To: keyhan@gallerykeyhan.com

LOL LOLO ,,, very intelligent, what are you 12??

how do you get 98% pups from that dog?
show me 1.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

TEXAS bad breeders

I believe Texas tops the list of bad Wolfdog breeders. Although one of the better breeders is in Tx. most of them are ripoff artists with more bullshit then you can swallow.

Today I got a call from someone looking for a pure Wolf. He wanted a pet he could take to work with him in his truck every day????????
Well he was told that for $3500.00 He could get a 98 -99 % Wolf from Starcross Wolves, the same asshole who is responsible for ripping off hundreds of people every year. Bill Lambert, who breeds dogs in pens by allowing 10-20 animals at a time to reside together, killing each other, and breeding who knows what? Then he claims to know % of the puppies, the ones who survive the horrible filthy conditions, lack of Vet care, and don't get eaten.

Lambert swore his 98% animal would be fine in any situation. Geee what a surprise.

Monday, September 7, 2009


If you believe you can provide a lifetime good home for an animal. Please contact



SINCE AUG 18 55 animals labelled WOLFDOGS have been dumped into rescue,

this morning I received a message from a "BREEDER" who can no longer afford to feed and vet her animals. She is 70 years old, 21 animals are now in dire straits and will likely die due to this stupid old woman.


On the opposite end of the spectrum, a young kid is now breeding in Kentucky and she thinks her animals are high% , but as usual they are mostly Dogs. Education doesn't seem to be a possibility as she refuses to acknowledge her erred ways.


Sunday, August 30, 2009


how do you get a 97% Wolf with 3 other breeds in the remaining 3%, and BLUE EYES????

White tipped tail, Malamute

mostly Husky

might be a low mid %?


these people are completely uneducated, misled and were originally ripped off by a scam breeder. They have no clue what a high content Wolfdog looks like, and they are passing on bad education to each and every person they sell a pup to.

Have attempted to teach, but they are rude and believe they already know everything.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tullahoma Tennessee

Moron breeder of Huskies claimed "Wolves" has strangely gone to jail. Gee, what a shock!!!

He has burdened his dear elderly parents with 7 unaltered dogs , 2 of which are impossible to handle. These poor folks are struggling to feed them.

Interested in adoption?


ND idiots

Skye lives in Dickinson, ND. 1-2 year old male, neutered, low-no content.
(Didn't see or read anything about him that seemed even remotely wolfish)
Skye was pulled from a shelter that was set to euthanize him for supposedly
being half wolf. He is now living with a foster mom who due to some physical
dissabilities, is having a very difficult time caring for him, so he needs a
new home ASAP. Also, the vet in that area has threatened to euthanize Skye
if he is ever brought in.
Skye is a little shy with strangers but warms up quickly. Described as
being bery gentle and submissive. He is leash trained and house trained, and
gets along fine with other dogs. Curious of small animals but has not shown
any prey drive towards them. Spent a few hours with children and was also
fine. Hasn't shown any inclination for escaping containment, knows a few
basic commands. His previous owners shaved him though and cut up his skin
doing so, so he will need some continued medical care in that department.

I think Skye would make a great starter "woofer"/husky/ mal. Please post,
crosspost, etc.
Does anyone here know any friendly northern breed shelters in the area that
would be ok with taking in or helping place a mislabeled wolfdog?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

More Hell

Since Tuesday Aug 18, 34 animals in SOS just thru me. No telling what else has happened?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

August from HELL

23 animals call for help in 3 days.
3 are from CHAPARALL in Ohio.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009



we have rescued 7 dogs from Ohio shelters since January. 6 of them and another 3 left in a foreclosure came from CHAPPARAL kennels in Ohio. Jim Supper is a liar, and a thief, and an animal abuser.
None of these animals had significant if any WOLF heritage. They did have aggressive Shepherd.
2 had genetic hip issues, 1 was completely crippled from 1 year old.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Beware Craiglist

Los Angeles area rescue claims to rescue "WOLVES"???
Have too many, need to find homes for them.

NOT 1 animal has any WOLF in it. Border Collies, Huskies, Great Pyrs, NO WOLFDOGS....

Kentucky Tragedy

Father: Dog Carried Baby 'Like Loaf Of Bread'

New Details Emerge After Wolf-Dog Hybrid Carries Baby Into Woods

not a Wolfdog or Hybrid, it was a Malamute / Collie bred to look like a Wolf. A Sweet girl who was taught to play with fuzzy squeeky stuffed toys. She just thought the baby was hers to play with. If she wanted to kill it, it would have taken 1 split second.

More irresponsible people, irresponsible journalism.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


This year over 50 rescues have come from OHIO where back yard breeders are rampant. One claims to have sold over 120 pups. The repercussions of this are going to be astronomical.
Abuse and neglect is epidemic nationwide, as misinformation and stupidity grows beyond a manageable goal.

Where does this lead?
Another state will soon be passing legislation banning the animals due to greed and stupid humans.

OHIO is the hub for exotic animal breeding and sales.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Florida Bites

The laws in Florida were just changed for WD ownership.
Now if FWC officer decides your animal is Wolfier than dog, you will need a lawyer to stop them from seizing it.
In plain English, anything they decide is over 50% Wolf, which could be a Husky to a Wildlfe uniform or AC servant.

Florida is a big Wolfdog state.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bad Backyard puppy Mills

WARNING you might get a nice puppy, but it won't be what you are told it is.
These breeders are only interested in your money. They fabricate %, some have no idea which males sire the litters, (Starcross) breeds in packs.

There is no such sub species as the "Rare Raven Black Yukon".

Wolfacre kennels
Starcross wolves
Squaw Creek
High Desert Wolves
White Timber Wolf Ranch
Texas Wolves
Wolf Haven Spirit of the Past !!!!!! complete lunatics
Edyes Wolf Hybrids
Wolf Track Acres
Cape Fear Wolf Den
Coastal Wolf Hybrids
Koda Ranch
Wolf Husky Pups

If you truly want a Wolfdog, I highly recommend reading, educating yourself first.
A well bred Wolfdog can be low % or any %, but it should be what you want and bad education comes with badly educated breeders.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

June Starts

Busy month, 17 calls for rescues, several dumpers dropped the ball in midstride. Several deadbeat adopters who are added to a blacklist.
Good homes getting scarce. Waiting on Obama's 12 billion to kick in.


Sunday, May 31, 2009

Spring Rescue Rush

Well despite the bad economic times, and the massive cries for help, the puppies keep right on coming. May is "rescue puppy month" in Wolfdog Hell.
Fortunately pups are easy to place (temporarily). Most will be back in rescue next year or the year after due to irresponsible placements.

Monday, May 25, 2009


The breeder experts keep coming. Flooding the world with their BS.
Some moron named Andy, quotes Mother 50% from Father 75% with mother 75% from pure Siberian Timber father, pups are frpm 50% mother and 10% father who is 90 % Border Collie?????????

proceeds to call me names for questioning the reason for his ingenious creations.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

They keep Coming

Help from Texas. Another purported 93%??? Wolf???
big giant Mal / GSD with a typical personality, might be low %

Offer help, I get insulted for being honest.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

May Madness

Well too busy to post lately, but this last one takes the cake.

A supposed Wolf educator in Tennessee contacts me for adoption regarding pups rescued.
I do a routine process to determine possibilities.
As always I ask for photos of previous animals so I can be sure I'm not being buffaloed.

Well the next thing I know, I get a real nice reply with pictures of very low% Dogs being passed off as 87% highs.

OK, so not all is lost yet. If they are willing and able, the possibilties are still good right?

After explaining that they had a misconception about these animals, all hell breaks loose.

These people are apparently all over their county schools, etc. teaching lies to children.
If you are in Van Buren County, beware of this nut job.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009


after 7 mos. of rescue care, the 3 Ohio dogs are on their way to a permanent home.
The breeder of these animals, complete with major genetic issues that has 1 crippled, claims he takes any of his animals back if they are in trouble?????????

Lying piece of sh------

Jim Supper , CHAPPARAL Kennels,,,, breeds bogus Wolf Dogs , German Shepherd lines with bad hip issues.

Wanna cry??? you should see this poor dog walk.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Back Yard Breeders

More breeder BS selling lows and dogs as high %

Another tragedy


this ad claims pure Wolf??? born white?????


- Breed: wolf


The Worst of the Worst

how do you stop a puppy mill????

every litter offered by WOLFHUSKYPUPS.COM
none are what they claim
breeder or broker? has no idea what she is doing


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

OHIO Media blunder

Columbus Ohio, bad owner allows his Shepherds to get loose, they kill a neighbors little Terrier.
Once again article claims WOLF HYBRIDS, written by no one who would know the difference.

Do they care??
WOLF makes a more sensational news bit.


More to Save

We have a Husky in Tennesee claimed Wolf dog,
one more in Ohio. 1 loose somewhere in southern middle Tn.

that's just today before 9 AM

Friday, April 17, 2009

2 more today

We have a German Shepherd / Mal cross in Texas, claimed to be a Wolf....

We have a mid content young male in Ohio.
3 escaped, 1 was hit by a car, the other is still loose.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Same Day 7:55 PM

South Dakota back yard breeder, can no longer care for her mess. 30 purported Wolf Hybrids S.O.S.
Not a Wolf hair within 50 miles of these dogs.

All will likely be killed due to her ignorance.

Another Day in Wolf Dog Hell

Cannon County Tn. 8 abandoned after idiots evicted from rental property. 1 is loose, awaiting further info.

Sumner County Tn. after a 3 month ordeal starting with 12 animals bred by irresponsibles , 4 remain on the foreclosed property. Sheriff dept. refuses my offer to help, all 4 are put to sleep.
Oldest is 3, low content Wolf dogs.
Original parents were sold to these people by breeder GARY WALSH in Kentucky.

Vermillion Ohio, 3 low mids still being cared for by rescuers after being abandoned due to home forclosure.
These 3 sociable Dogs were sold as purported high % for $1000. each by OHIO BREEDER CHAPPARAL , Jim Supper. Refused to return calls, but did call back someone else inquiring about puppies.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


claiming high content Wolf Hybrids, born in January.
There is no Wolf content at all in these Malamute / Husky mixes


Thursday, April 2, 2009


Watch out for this scam

girl calls herself RAVEN, is same person as WOLFHUSKYPUPS and WOLAMUTES

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Puppy Season

who's got what?

here is a tragedy.

this is a low mid content German Shepherd / Agouti Husky.
claimed to be 97% Wolf / Mal

This one is mostly Malamute, white tipped tail,

Black & White Husky / Shepherd, likely no Wolf

mid content / Malamute


when you start with low mid contents, the puppies will be very low %
as the dog genes take over.
This joker will tell you his breeding stock is pure Wolves, and his pups are high content?



This woman has pure Dogs, no Wolf at all


More with NO Wolf

low low and no %




not Wolf / Shepherd, they are WolfDog / Shepherd, pups will be low content.


Beware of uneducated breeders who tell you their Dogs are pure Wolves
there is no such sub species as the "Rare Raven Black Yukon"

another sad operation
has high % Wolf Dogs, but lies anyway.


completely full of crap


pups are not what she says, most are no wolf




very irresponsible, breeds in packs, has no idea what he has, mostly Dog,
unhealthy dirty place that has been under watch by authorities



obviously do not know the true lineage of their animals
supposed 93% is nowhere near.

Others to Beware of

Wolf Trac Acres
Coastal Wolf Hybrids


Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Mississippi Myth Lady

Oh the BS gets better all the time. Mississippi looney tune who claims she is part of the Alaskan orphan pup rescue, turns out they don't know her, have no idea who authorized her to make these claims. This woman has more lies then any bogus breeder. She got her original pups from an Ohio breeder who bred Malamute and Husky into his lines, but somehow her pups came out pure Wolves? holy moly Scatman!!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

This is for educational purposes, and reviews, and violates nobody's rights.
Slander is lies. We don't lie.

parents are mids, pups are lows to nos. Not 92%
This guy is a ripoff artist.

No Wolf here

got ripped off on her breeding stock, and doesn't understand %
Have Agouti Huskies / Shepherds, claiming high content Wolf Hybrids



pups are NOT Wolfdogs
no Wolf is born white.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More Youtube Idiots


Let me explain it to you.
Any Dog with 2 Blue eyes, does likely not have any Wolf genetics.
This is a HUSKY, it has NO Wolf markings, no Wolf traits, it is a pure Husky, yet the idiot tells me I have no clue?

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Colorado Wildlife has no record of hunters being jailed for killing Wolves in a State Park or anywhere else.
Another totally fabricated story by a woman who tells me I need to get a grip?

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Over and over again I hear how people's animals were saved from the wild, pulled from a den because the mother was trapped, shot, lost? Rescued from Alaska, removed from the Yellowstone re-intro plan, you name it, idiots believe it. I even have a lineage scribbled on a piece of napkin, that a puppy breeder gave the buyer at a truck stop where he was meeting her to make the exchange. Never do these animals turn out to be Wolves.
People who have Wolves don't make up fairy tales, and they know exactly what they have, likely paid dearly for it, have spent thousands on proper fencing, or they are rescuers.

Mar 6, 09, I spot a blurb for help in training. I offer my advice, but as the conversation gets deeper, it becomes a cartoon.
4 month old pup, rescued from Colorado State Park by Ranger, claimed to be a Wolfdog cross F1 caused by dogs running loose in the park? Claims the "pack" was killed by hunters who are all in jail now.
As I offered information that is fact, once again the woman got all wierd and defensive about her Ranger friend who drove 1800 miles to bring her the pup.
NO WOLF breeds in September - October, Dog or No Dog involved.
The most likely scenario, if this pup was found in the Wilderness by a Ranger is,,,, Some idiot dumped a few low % Wolfdogs thinking they would survive on their own.

What the hell is wrong with humans?

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Here is how you can see the problems yourself.


90% and above Wolf Dogs are close to looking like Wolves. Only very experienced people can see the slightest differences. Once you get to 98% there is no differences to the eye.

There is a Breeder in Maine who was originally lied to by the breeder their animals came from.
As a result they believe they have pups that are high %. They don't understand % either, or how it is estimated. Sadly they are not receptive to education.

The one below in Colorado is deliberately scheming. He was a complete and utter fool when we inquired about his pups.


The Ohio Breeder is one of the best there is for high %.


The first Florida listing and Louisiana kennel are almost a joke. These are dogs with mostly Malamute in them.


The biggest joke in the Wolf Dog world is the " Spirit of the Past"
beware these witch sisters who believe Wolves are cats.


There is NO " Rare Raven Black Yukon"


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wisconsin back yard breeder claims his Shepherd / Huskies are 75% Wolf.
gee, does it ever stop????

this idiot also uses YOUTUBE

There are NO legitimate Wolfdog breeders in Memphis area. NONE. Beware.

Sisters (monsters) in Sierra Blanco Texas. Beware these losers who claim Wolves come from Lions.

WOLFDOG spelled backwards. Another nitwit with Rare Raven Black ????

WolfHuskypups ????, no Wolf , puppy mill...


Wolves in the California High Desert, some Grandmother who just can't figure it out.


Star Cross Wolves,,,,,,a horrible place of animal abuse. No lineage, just animals breeding everywhere year round.


If puppies are born any other time than March or April, THEY ARE NOT high % , No excuses, none. I've heard every line of BS these creeps use.

Hohenwald Tennessee,,, Judith the back yard puppy mill. NOT WOLFDOGS

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cleve is Safe

The young male that was picked up running loose in Ohio, arrived at his new forever home Sunday. New digs and new family and you can see the smile on his face.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Sadly there are some unscrupulous people with screwed up egos who want to play "Wolf Expert".
Lately there has even been a television show promoting a fool who was a janitor at a roadside zoo in UK. Some wizard camera buff decided to make a star out of the clown and voila, we now have more problems due to lies and misconceptions.
It is rumored that Animal Planet took enough heat on that one that they quietly made the show vanish as fast as it appeared.


In Mississippi, a Woman with a truly warped ego opened a "Wolf Preserve" , a for profit operation that is supposed to educate?
She began with siblings, and inbred them to increase her pack?
Now, if you breed Wolves, you get Wolves, and she will argue to the death that her animals are pure Wolves, however the pups had numerous dog markings, like white stripes on their heads, (Husky) , white toes, pink pads, pink ears, etc.
She has since retouched her own photos to attempt to cover these things, but we have the old images, water marked with her name.
How does inbreeding captive Wolf Dogs help to preserve the WOLF?
This woman has no hands on education other than her own Wolf Dogs. She doesn't know how to tell a pure Wolf from a Dog, and she endorses the idiot on Animal Planet as if he were a real factor.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Youtube experts giving advice??? they don't even know what their own dogs are but they give advice?

Winner of the dumbass Youtube vids.....
she's convinced her mixed Husky is a "Wolf", will delete any comments on her vids that challenge her. Total loser.

claims pup is from a pure Wolf father. Sent me pictures of a low mid house WD which makes the pup beyond low% with blue eye, Husky mother?
Tells me I need to get a "F---ing" education

puppy mill operator uses YOUTUBE to rip people off

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Week in Rescue

FEB 14, 2009
OHIO , 1 male loose in small suburb of Cleveland. Owner's name is known, but he won't come forward due to warrants for deadbeat Dad issues.

Feb 15, 2009
OHIO, family with 6 so called Wolf Hybrids? need homes immediately as they get prepared to relocate to Alabama. So far no proof they are Wolf anything, no reasons for dumping them? Perhaps there is no room in the back seat? Maybe they are also leaving 1 of the kids?

Feb 15, 2009
VIRGINIA, call for help. A good caregiver who wants to keep her animals faces a number of hurdles she can't tackle by herself. My cape is back from the cleaners, now all I need is a phone booth and air traffic control. We got this covered.....
never heard from her again. Just a lonely , need to talk to somebody waste of my time.....

Feb 17, 2009
2 sisters in Arkansas, owner moving to a farm, can't take them?????
animals are people friendly, not animal friendly????? no photos provided, must take word for it.

Feb 20, 2009
8 year old mid Woolly Mal is threatened by Knox County Animal Control officer. He claims it's a dangerous "Wolf". Owner is standing firm on our advice. Obviously AC officer is an idiot.

Feb 21, 2009
2 adults 7 yearlings as breeder goes belly up. Details to come as we learn more.

Feb 24, Woman cries for help with 10 year old WD who is mostly "Texas Red Tail Wolf" ???? hmmm, there's a new one.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Some Grandma

A California poor quality breeder that sells mixed breed dogs as "Wolves" and tells you "Atta Boy" is the best food, also claims she has rescued and re-homed 400 animals?
So far I have emet 5 people with her pups that would like to kill her if she wasn't an old woman.
One girl in Nevada who was told her dog was high % Wolf, plans to breed her and repeat the practice of ripping people off, even though she is pissed about getting ripped off herself???

The mentality of people is astounding. '

Beware the "Grandmother" , especially her fk'd up educational pages.

Saturday, February 7, 2009



claim WOLF HUSKY PUPS and have ads all over in every state with different addresses.
claim Wol a Mute ?

girls makes videos and posts them all over YOUTUBE

NONE are WOLF mixes. Wolf is bred out, or never existed. Percentages are BS.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Are you starting to get the idea yet???
People are all full of shit. And these are the idiots they learn from...

OOPS Another Expert

check out this idiot

He wrote a book on something he knows nothing about. His pink nosed red dog , Shepherd mutt isn't anything close to a Wolf Dog.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


YOUTUBE has more than it's share of idiots. Many posting vid clips of (NOT) Wolf Hybrids, and then proceeding to teach others the same bullshit they swallowed.
Funny how people would rather believe garbage then the truth. EGOS more important than the welfare of their own Dog who they claim to love so much. Take the Wolf label away and they likely would dump the poor thing.

Sadly it's becoming more and more evident every day that most people who have or think they have Wolf Dogs know little or nothing about the Wolf or Dog.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Want to read some great stuff and learn more? Visit WOLFDOG.WS

There are no known legitimate breeders in Tennessee. BEWARE
The biggest Wolfdog scams are located in TEXAS. (Bobby Van not included)
Others are located in CALIFORNIA.
One major puppy scam is in UTAH. This is a real scheme....

BEWARE / HILLSBORO OHIO......false percentages
BEWARE / breeders who call their dogs RARE RAVEN BLACK YUKONS ....made it up
BEWARE / crazy woman who claims to have bred MINIATURE WOLVES
BEWARE / Edwards Colorado......false percentages. Will rip you off
BEWARE / White puppies, and white timberwolf FLORIDA ???
BEWARE / NC "littleman" claims 91 1/2 % ???


KEMP TEXAS / very bad operation. LIES about everything


Monday, January 5, 2009


Any breeder that offers you papers as in registered to a kennel? BEWARE
Any breeder that claims high % pups born in any other months aside from late March through May, BEWARE.

Pups with pink feet, noses and black and white facial masks are NOT likely Wolf Dogs.
White pups are NOT likely Wolf Dogs.

If you do not know what you are looking at, seeing parents will not make any difference.
Breeders may show you the wrong parents. They may have extremely good dupes that takes experience to know.

cross Belgian Tauveren with Samoyed, you get a very Wolf looking dog.
A German Shepherd and Malamute cross can fool most beginners.


The most controversial canine is a Wolf / Dog mix. So many variations of these animals has caused numerous myths and vast miseducation that has devastated their existence.
Where it all begins is with human greed. People who believe they should make money regardless of the pain and suffering their actions inflict on others and the animals that they breed for profit.
There are less than 20 legitimate Wolf Dog or Wolf Hybrid breeders. There are thousands who claim to be.

What makes a breeder legitimate? Aside from the obvious...

a) Knowledge of lineage.
b) Ability to educate those who buy their animals with TRUTH.
c) Ability to evaluate humans that should or should not have them.
d) Saying no to those who should not have them.
e) Taking back any that did not work out and not ignoring the issue.
f) Honest about percentage

If you have no experience with these dogs, it is advisable to volunteer at a rescue sanctuary where the best education is available. Rescuers usually have every level of percent, and every personality type.

The reason there are so many rescues across the country is because there are so many irresponsible dishonest breeders.

Here is a list of a few we know are bogus,

The harm these people do is tragic. Their pups are innocent victims of both the ignorance of the breeders and the ignorance of the buyers. A high number end up dead at an early age, many end up in shelters labelled as 'Wolves" and then euthanized due to lies. Many have no Wolf blood at all.