Sunday, October 31, 2010

California Rescue

Many thank yous to 2 Veterinarians that spent there days altering over 35 animals in San Diego this week. This story apparently will be on Animal Planet. It turns out there were closer to 90 Canines altogether at this woman's place. All being sold as Wolf Hybrids. Who knows how many are out there?
If you have a pup or a Dog from this Roxanne idiot in San Diego, it's NOT a Wolf Hybrid.

1 comment:

  1. People that want to believe they have 'wolfdogs' when they do not truly march to their own drummer. I knew a gal in Phoenix 20 years ago that went to the pound and got two huskies and (this was before they were fixed before being adopted) and told everyone they were 'wolves'...for as long as she could she bred 'wolf hybrids'...both dogs had agression issues, their pups did and she didn't much care cuz she was making over $500/pup
