34 Animals passed through the network in September. A few great adoptions.
One story of triumph thanks to a guy whose life came second to a bunch of abandoned animals. 43 all survived because of 1 person.
James, hats off to you my friend......
Another backyard breeder in Clarkrange Tn. sold a white Husky with papers he made up for a 93% Wolf Hybrid. Now the nutjob who bought her is out trying to train people. Coincidentally somebody dumped 2 yearlings on a dead end rd. just a few miles away that look very much like the breeding pair this wizard has?
In Southeastern TN. there is another genius taking Huskies to schools and teaching children that they are Wolves.
In Alabama we have Tonto breeding rescued Dogs and claiming that the gods of evolution are in touch with him alone. He will single handed save the Wolf from extinction and the pups will show the world how important they are???? huh???
Stay tuned , the comedy of horror continues.
Is this the same breeder in Clarkrange, TN?
Puplistings.com >> Browse by State >> Tenn >> Wolf Hybrid Pups >>
Claim that they are mid content...