Sunday, May 31, 2009

Spring Rescue Rush

Well despite the bad economic times, and the massive cries for help, the puppies keep right on coming. May is "rescue puppy month" in Wolfdog Hell.
Fortunately pups are easy to place (temporarily). Most will be back in rescue next year or the year after due to irresponsible placements.

Monday, May 25, 2009


The breeder experts keep coming. Flooding the world with their BS.
Some moron named Andy, quotes Mother 50% from Father 75% with mother 75% from pure Siberian Timber father, pups are frpm 50% mother and 10% father who is 90 % Border Collie?????????

proceeds to call me names for questioning the reason for his ingenious creations.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

They keep Coming

Help from Texas. Another purported 93%??? Wolf???
big giant Mal / GSD with a typical personality, might be low %

Offer help, I get insulted for being honest.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

May Madness

Well too busy to post lately, but this last one takes the cake.

A supposed Wolf educator in Tennessee contacts me for adoption regarding pups rescued.
I do a routine process to determine possibilities.
As always I ask for photos of previous animals so I can be sure I'm not being buffaloed.

Well the next thing I know, I get a real nice reply with pictures of very low% Dogs being passed off as 87% highs.

OK, so not all is lost yet. If they are willing and able, the possibilties are still good right?

After explaining that they had a misconception about these animals, all hell breaks loose.

These people are apparently all over their county schools, etc. teaching lies to children.
If you are in Van Buren County, beware of this nut job.

Friday, May 1, 2009