Friday, February 4, 2011

Gee, What a Surprise

I came upon this site by accident and am very surprised by all the info which is very useful but am very concerned since last year I bought a "wolfdog" from the wolf husky pups site and had been waiting for the litter to be born, they were just born on Jan 23 2011 but was told the pups would be born around Nov or Dec 2010, they even had a "site" where they showed both parents, supposedly the mom's a high content wolfdog and the father is a mid content wolf+malamute mix.
They featured this "site" on the wolf husky page but after some time it suddenly "disappeared" leaving no track or info about this "ranch" whatsoever.
The so called ranch's name is "Lazy TDD ranch" and is supposedly located in southern California near san diego..
http://www.pups this is their page which hasn't been updated for months and just seems very phoney to me...
I don't know what to think and would like to know if wolf husky pups is in fact a puppy mill with fake wolfdogs?I had thought about it before but wasn't very sure and tried not to think of it much but then came across this page which finally led me to yours...
I'd really like to have an actual mid content wolfdog and if I have to wait longer to get a real one I will but I don't want to contribute to this terrible business which is puppy mills..and also would love to find out more about wolf husky to spread the word since many may be fooled as I probably one should ever go through this, I really want to know more and I hope you are able to respond to me soon, since if you have any information I'd be very happy and thankful to know so I can cancel with them and hopefully get a refund since I pretty much payed about $900 last july for a "wolfdog" pup..which will probably be fake.
I'm not only looking for a real quality wolfdog but also a truthful breeder with values who will actually care for his/her wolfdogs and not just make a profit out of them and exploit innocent animals.
Anyway, sorry for the long message, but as I said I'm very concerned about all this.. I really hope you can answer soon, till then I'll wait patiently, thanks in advance.


  1. Wolfhuskypups is a joke. I am disgusted by what they have done and will do in the future. At one particular point, she had a page that listed all of her "breeders" and you were able to click and go explore each "breeder". Now it is vanished! I find myself wondering if this may be because of the fact that they are not wolfdogs? Or have such a small content but they claim mid-high content and people are actually studying before buying?

    It pays to know exactly what you are buying these days. And with the help of dog DNA testing kits (which are reasonably priced) this might be a good investment to some. But I have not found any that are able to detect the DNA of a wolf, not sure if they exist? Anyway, if they are unable to detect wolf DNA, then when presented with it, it should come up as an "unknown" factor I would think. But it would be very interesting to pay the $60 to see exactly what kind of mutts wolfhuskypups are breeding.

    Also the misrepresentation of these dogs can be so cruel. Clearly what appears to be a mixture of GSD/Husky/Malamute with some other strains of dog, are claimed as a wolf dog or wolf hybrid. If this dog escapes and is labeled a wolf dog, what do you think is going to happen?

    I am in full support of the public having to obtain some sort of license and registration to keep an actual wolf dog with the proper enclosure and diet with a GOOD vet. report as well.

    I am so sick and tired of seeing wolfhuskypups ads plastered all over the place anymore for something they do not even have. Anti wolfhuskypups website to come in the future? Perhaps that is not such a bad idea!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. For lower mid-content wolfdog with a wolfy look and more trainability, I highly reccommend Vicki Spencer of Southern Breeze Wolf Ranch. As of this year, she is predominently breeding lower mid-contents with a good dose of GSD (and calling them Blue Bay Shepherds). I have been very happy with my experiences with her.

  3. I bought one from southernbreeze and found this breeder very reputable. I even visited her ranch before my purchase. Nice place.nice sincere lady.

  4. Hey! Now some of the wolfdogs there are acctually wolfdogs. And they lead me to my Dog, He is a high content pup :) very sweet but howls to much haha And wolf is realy nice.

    1. highdesertwolves has No high content animals, so you were lied to. But as long as you're happy.

    2. Oh, and even though they may look extremely wolfy, a friend of mine purchased one from them, and did a gene test. No wolf at ALL in the genes. Had husky, malamute, german shepherd, and standard poodle. Sorry that you were fooled. Personally though, it doesn't matter how much you pay, wolfdog or not, as long as it will be a friend and was a good dog.

  5. Wolfhuskypups is a broker. I have a friend that is one of the breeders that uses this broker. My friends dogs are to high content for my lifestyle, (85%+) so i went thru WHP to get my 33% content. Everything was on the up and up. Contact with the breeders has been limited because of a few circumstances envolving so called buyers that turned out to be anti wolfdog people. This had to be done to ensure the safety of the animals and their breeders. A new buyer can request a visit to the breeder thru the broker, but visits are very limited. The safety of all is most important, and you dont know who can be trusted anymore. WHP is a very nice service for both buyers and breeders. I have no issues with WHP and will continue to purchase from them.
    Everyone should understand that the percentage of wolf in a wolfdog is only a mathematical estimation. Pure wolf to pure dog = 50% wolf. Take that 50% animal and put it with a pure dog to get 33%. Except thats not how nature works. You can very well have puppies that took 80% wolf from its grand fatherand others that took 80% dog from its mother. You just never know without DNA testing.

    1. 33% ? 85% ? 80% ? 50% , you have been completely buffaloed.

  6. DNA testing is completely inaccurate. It is a guess, proven hundreds of times to just be a scam.

  7. DNA testing kits sold at pet stores were proven to be a scam. Not DNA testing.

  8. I purchased my dog through the site...was never promised a high content but told truthfully she is under a third makenzie valley timberwolf. Either way i got a great dog from lazytdd ranch. She is one of the most beautiful and smartest dogs i have ever seen. Instantly picked up potty training, tricks, and just general manners. Never gets old getting compliments about my dog everywhere i go. Not a bad site, however the site itself does upcharge significantly, should be giving more to the breeders. Seriously considering getting another one through them when the energy level from this one levels out a bit..

  9. I liked Vicki too and am hopefully going to get a Blue Bay from this years litter. How has your experience with yours been?

  10. Very disappointed with the way our situation was handled. Our wolfdog was sick from the day we picked him up and we drove from Kansas to pick him up. He was covered in fleas and Vicki did give him capstar but we still had to give him a flea bath before we even left the state. I thought his diarrhea was due to him being a puppy and stressed from a 24 hour car drive and that's what my vet thought too and after 3 weeks it hadn't changed (he hadn't been tired and was eating well so we didn't think it was too serious) so we went back to the vet and he had a huge amount of whipworms in his system (the most the vet had ever seen) and still she denied everything. She did offer a refund but said that it was unheard of that any breeder would do that and it was not her responsibility. But if it's so unheard of why would she offer the refund in the first place? Obviously she wouldn't admit to any of the other puppies being sick, but that's the only conclusion I could come to. I was told repeatedly that her dogs had amazing temperaments and so would he, which has turned out to be false and he has become very aggressive towards us and our other 3 dogs, only at the age of 13 weeks old. I have also not received his original health certificate and it's now been a month since we purchased the wolfdog (she said he had hookworms and that's why the certificate was not ready to go when we picked him up but that he was healthy to go home). And her "wolf hybrid club" she never mentioned she was the owner of that and we were led to believe it was to actually register the dog, not just give her 15 more dollars for no real reason. I love the dog with everything I have and am not returning him but I was just disappointed I've had to spent such a great amount of money getting him healthy after I had already spent $1500 on him in the first place with the idea that he was supposed to be healthy and a health garuntee.

  11. Wolfpups just takes out the organic aspect of meeting a new friend and bonding.It's all about the money.She just gets in the way of the deal(you can't personally contact the breeder until she gets paid).I worry about the animals.Naturally,they're the ones who have to pay ultimately.Hopefully,in a perfect world she would be attacked by a pack and get her just desserts!

  12. Im aware this is an old thread but hoping someone may still see this.
    I'm in search of my next dog and heard about the "Blue Bay Shepherds" as a "new breed" developed and bred by Vicky Spencer. I'm somewhat on the fence about purchasing what in reality is a "mutt" but find some of the dogs to be very beautiful and since I'm not looking to breed or show (conformation) but rather a great companion dog to train. I have extensive experience training and some of my former dogs excelled in competition obedience,nose-work, tracking and agility and have also titled a couple of my prior dogs to AKC CDX and SchH. I had one certified as a "therapy dog" through the Delta Society. (TDI - or "Therapy Dogs International" - is a joke and in biz only to "certify" dogs for people who does not know or understand the differences between a "therapy dog" and a "service dog" but want to take advantage of laws intended for disabled to gain access where pets commonly are not allowed. I know my local TDI "trainer & evaluator" is aware of this and hope those in charge at TDI soon will stop handing out "certifications" to people with no interest or intention to use their dogs for tasks a good therapy dog can do such as visiting sick or help teach children how to read etc. OK - I'll get off my soapbox now;)
    Anyhow.. I've been told Vicky Spencer's BBS is a "breed" that look "wolf-like" with a temper like the Golden Retriever with the trainability of a GSD without the "GSD's aggression",something that sound a odd to me if they are as I'm told based on GSD and Malamute/Husky/GSD-based "wolf-dogs" as these breeds are not particularly known for their trainability,friendliness or mellow temper. I would highly appreciate any/all info about the BBS and about Vicky Spencer's knowledge of genetics and breeding as well as her husbandry and kennel-practices as the last I'd like to support with my ($1,500-2,500) purchase is a "puppy mill",a "BYB" or another mediocre breeder who care more about $$ and hype than the dogs. As mentioned I'm looking for a very trainable dog and I'd likely purchase an East European GSD due to health issues which seem increasingly common in the US GSD with excessive rear angulation,HD and low drive,but if Vicky Spencer through her breeding of the BBS has managed to create a beautiful and healthy "GSD version" as "trainable" as a good Golden or GSD without the hip- and other health issues and she also run a clean kennel with proper genetic and temperament testing of both studs and bitches carefully selected for more than just the color of their coat (Which,btw,is "rare" and hard to find simply because "blue" is not a recognized GSD color and any reputable GSD breeder would never breed or sell a GSD of non acceptable color. Same reason theres no "white GSD" in Europe but a separate breed known as the "White Shepherd"..)
    Thanks to those of you who bothered to read my rant here�� I appreciate and look forward to any and all replies but would love to hear from anyone with more knowledge of Vicky spencer and her "Blue Bay Shepherds". Thanx!
