Saturday, October 10, 2009


these women are either mentally ill or they have had lobotomies


  1. I just went to this website and this dog looks like it is starving to death! Of course the owner says he is 350 lbs, but there is NO WAY! Every single thing these ppl say on there website is bullshit and this dog is just that...a dog!

  2. Hi,
    i went to wolfhaven spirit of the past website and nearly had a heart attack.Apart from being bizarre and completely insane,these people are dangerous.To us who have the privlege of sharing our lives with wolfdogs,it just sickens me to think that there will actually be people who know nothing of wds,buy puppies from these lunatics and swallow their bs,hook,line and sinker.
    There feeding methods for one ,just blew me away,tossing dog food on the ground,stating that you should add rocks,dirt and sticks to your dogs bowl,(can we all say "bowel Obstuction here???)is just down right dangerous to the dog.To think after 35 years of Sibeian Huskies and 13 1/2 of having wds,Ive been feeding them all wrong!LOL!
    My heart goes out to the dogs that have to live with these nut jobs.I see the dogs on chains and I guess the owners must live in that dilapidated camp trailer.My god.When I was looking through the website,I though I was looking at something in the High Desert of Ca.,but it's in Texas,(my home state!)
    As far as the "wolves weighing 4oo pounds(as stated on the feeding site),I think they are talking about themselves.
    This website,ought to win an award for most outrageuos backyard breeder,cause in my opinion,they take the cake!!
    I personally think the people there have fried one to many brain cells,maybe to much home brew!
    Thanks for letting me vent!
    Kerna Sveen
