Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mississippi Maria

Well all you ducklings, keep an eye out for disaster to strike at the self proclaimed Wolf Preserve in Miss. This stupid woman is allowing her captive bred pack full of females to vie for position.
Sadly she's about to either learn a very nasty lesson, or get herself hurt?

this is what she has learned from the moron Shaun Ellis


The Wolf girls are really vying for position and every week I see something new. Woha will get up the gumption to stand up to her Mother and Alpha Female Ohoyo. She gets no backing from the rest of the pack because she can be down right mean to all of them at times, so she gives up her campaign. She once again submits to her Mother. She then either takes it out on Nita or Chito. As of late it has been mostly Chito. It’s funny because Chito and Nita used to be so close and stand up to Woha. I haven’t seen that happen for a very long time until recently. Nita actually feels bad for Chito and will lick her even when Woha is bullying her. Chito in the past year had not done the same for her. Recently, I am seeing her if not defend her Omega Sister but comfort her when Woes the terrible is on the warpath. They need to keep their Mother in power for as long as they could. Woha though very sweet and funny with humans and the male Wolves, can be
brutal to the other females. She won’t even let them howl. It is shades of Waya when he was on top but look what happened to him. So, it’s up in the air who will eventually rule the roost as far as the females go. I certainly hope that Ohoyo can keep her position for a very long time.

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