Thursday, December 16, 2010


1200 Dogs were put to sleep by State Veterinarians due to a puppy mill in Kansas that spread a Distemper epidemic this month.
The breeder has of course a history of issues, yet the state did nothing.
No way to know how many pups were sold or animals exposed to the epidemic.

Washington State

Notorious fruitcake breeder Paula F apparently was found incompetent by??? and placed under state guardianship (rumor?).

What isn't a rumor is that her 5 high content Wolfdogs escaped and only 1 has been
recovered. 1 or 2 are believed dead.

This is the kind of ending we expected from this woman. Sadly there are way too many tragedies taking place this year.

Monday, November 29, 2010


2 animals left crated in an abandoned house. 1 dead from starvation, the other in treatment.


calls from Alaska, East Tn., Minnesota, all Wolfdogs , all out of control?
WTF is wrong with people?

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Well here is a prime example of how greedy breeders are the source of animal abuse.
We have a 1 year old female German Shepherd who was sold as a Wolf. People have kept her crated since 3 months old. She is terrified of everything. Dumped by first idiot on yet another idiot. The second home has toddlers. Dog is now chained in a horse stall.
We have been given an ultimatum. We have until Wed. Dec 1 or the dog gets the bullet.

In pursuit of this breeder. He will see Lucifer when I'm done.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

California Rescue

Many thank yous to 2 Veterinarians that spent there days altering over 35 animals in San Diego this week. This story apparently will be on Animal Planet. It turns out there were closer to 90 Canines altogether at this woman's place. All being sold as Wolf Hybrids. Who knows how many are out there?
If you have a pup or a Dog from this Roxanne idiot in San Diego, it's NOT a Wolf Hybrid.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

October 2010

Things slowed down somewhat this past month with the exception of a 45 dog rescue in southern California where a woman has been selling Husky / Shepherd mixes as Wolf Hybrids for who knows how long? Ahhhh some things the bad economy has done for the better is put scam breeders out of business.
California Super Hero Mike Lehane needs help finding homes for these pups and older dogs. The bill for altering the adults and the cost of this placed on the rescue community estimated 6000.00 so far.
If you can help with donations, contact Wolfdog Rescue Resources , Mike Lehane , or Ken Collins .

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Dogs Pay the price

Oct 5, a cry for help from a San Diego puppy mill claiming AC wants to kill her high content Wolfdogs. Rescue sends a representative to pick up the animals in question. Not 1 is a Wolfdog, but the woman refuses to be educated. Now the dogs will likely die due to this greedy ignorant woman.

Oct 6, a cry for help from a woman in Colorado with pictures of a Husky / GSD ? maybe Great Pyr mix, claiming it is a high content Canadian Tundra???
Refuses to accept the truth. Now the dog will be in jeopardy and bad information will be passed to any new home.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

September's Over

34 Animals passed through the network in September. A few great adoptions.
One story of triumph thanks to a guy whose life came second to a bunch of abandoned animals. 43 all survived because of 1 person.

James, hats off to you my friend......

Another backyard breeder in Clarkrange Tn. sold a white Husky with papers he made up for a 93% Wolf Hybrid. Now the nutjob who bought her is out trying to train people. Coincidentally somebody dumped 2 yearlings on a dead end rd. just a few miles away that look very much like the breeding pair this wizard has?

In Southeastern TN. there is another genius taking Huskies to schools and teaching children that they are Wolves.

In Alabama we have Tonto breeding rescued Dogs and claiming that the gods of evolution are in touch with him alone. He will single handed save the Wolf from extinction and the pups will show the world how important they are???? huh???

Stay tuned , the comedy of horror continues.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Idiot Breeders
900.00 for a mutt that has no Wolf heritage, pink feet. Piebald Husky markings.
One of the biggest ripoff operations on the Internet.



Death Camp NC

Large so called Sanctuary has been found to have been killing animals for some time.
The issue prompted numerous complaints to local governing agencies who decided to simply ban Wolfdogs altogether to solve the problem. Details are sketchy , but rumor has it over 40 confirmed murdered, 70 unaccounted for.
Same woman was previously involved in another notorious animal hoarding case in NC.


Another breeder who sells anything to anybody has sold pups with Demodex Mange, shipped from Oklahoma to Vermont. Woman who bought him wants rid of him at 7 mos.
Breeder refuses to take him back.
Woman has 2 females fighting. Claims they are fighting because of him????
Females fight after maturity. Another idiot with a mess to clean up.

Knoxville Tn.

Backyard breeder busted by Animal Control for selling what she claims are Wolf Hybrids.
Looking at all they aren't. What else is new. Now we are called to save the dogs again.
Greedy bitch lies to me about everything so I spend hours of wasted time on the issue.


Have located a rescue that will take them and find homes. Wonder how many hoops they'll have to jump through to get co-operation?

This woman will be back breeding somewhere else no doubt.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The BS gets deeper in the south

Let me just say that anyone who rescues animals and breeds them is obviously an uneducated fool.
There are places in the south that misrepresent their animals to make themselves look important or intelligent. They all make hilarious claims that they are trained biologists, or that their Veterinarian is an expert on Wolves, or that they had DNA tests to prove they have WOLVES...

BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT,,,,,,,The facts are the facts.

A litter of liver nosed, white faced, pink footed pups that are born Sept 2 are NOT WOLVES.

This guy then tries to tell me that the entire state's Wildlife population is out of wack due to our earth's issues. That there are even spotted Fawns in January!!!!!!

Well DUH,,,, Fawns are spotted, and their spots don't fade out until the Winter's end.

He accuses me of trying to discredit him? Wasn't he doing that himself?

Stay tuned, cuz this guy isn't going to stop being a dumbass.

Monday, September 6, 2010

News for Summer 2010

A very busy summer has taken us all to the brink. There have been close to 100 Wolfdogs in dire straits just on the eastern side of the U.S.
Breeders who rip people off are starting to fall like flies. Pam Crisp in SC abandoned 38 breeding mutts she called Arctic Wolves, and is now banned by contract from breeding anything. Score 1 for the dogs.

Chapparal in Ohio is under fire from everywhere.

These are the lowest of the lows in animal abuse.


Get involved. Save lives, volunteer, donate.

contact me for info

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

More Sadness

FORT WORTH, Texas — Seven puppies died after flying in the cargo hold of an American Airlines jet.

American said it contacted the shipper who put the puppies on a Tuesday morning flight from Tulsa, Okla., to Chicago, and is investigating further.

Airline spokeswoman Mary Frances Fagan said Wednesday the shipper put 14 puppies aboard Flight 851, which was scheduled to leave Tulsa at 6:30 a.m. but was delayed an hour by storms in Chicago.

American said on its website it won't carry warm-blooded animals if the actual or forecast temperature is above 85 degrees. As the plane sat on the tarmac in Tulsa, it was already 86 degrees before 7 a.m., according to the National Weather Service.

Fagan said cargo holds carrying animals are routinely kept between 50 and 70 degrees.

Baggage handlers taking the puppies to a kennel area at O'Hare Airport grew concerned because they looked lethargic. Employees tried to cool down the dogs, and they were taken to a vet's office, but five died initially and two others died later, Fagan said.

Several of the puppies were headed to connecting flights. Fagan declined to identify the shipper or say whether American had taken animals from the same shipper before and, if so, whether there had been problems with any previous flights.

"We don't disclose information about our shippers any more than we disclose information about our passengers," she said.

In guidelines to customers, American says it reserves the right to refuse to ship aggressive animals or one that "does not appear fit to travel." It also says it won't take dogs or cats that have been sedated. It asks shippers about each animal's breed, size and age.

Fagan said dogs and cats must be at least eight weeks old. She said she didn't know the breed or breeds of the dead puppies.

Last month, the U.S. Department of Transportation said short-faced dogs such as pugs and bulldogs accounted for about half of the 122 dogs that died during U.S. flights in the last five years. Veterinarians say those dogs are more likely to have breathing problems.

The department said the deaths were an extremely small percentage of the total number of pets carried by airlines.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals recommends that owners avoid shipping pets in the cargo hold.

"I always hated signing those papers to ship them" in the cargo hold, said Rocky McKelvey, regional medical director in Texas for VCA Animal Hospitals and a veterinarian since 1981. "I'd like to see them in the cabin."

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hot August nights

With the hottest summer on record winding down, more animals then Noah ever saw have been abandoned and killed because of greed and ignorance.
In Dayton Ohio they found dogs left to starve in a basement weeks after the scumbags moved out. What kind of live organism does this to any animal?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

More Warnings

Lake Elsinore California, another bullshit breeder claiming high % animals. Likely no Wolf % that matters.

PUPS PLUS, WOLFHUSKYPUPS, scam artists, ads everywhere. You won't get what you think.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


After spending a week trying to find places for 38 animals dumped by a SC breeder, I received a message last night of another 45 due to another breeder in an illegal area.

Girl in Arkansas who seems to do nothing but reproduce, claims her Pure Wolf out of Canada has sired pups. Hmmm? Pure Wolves required import permits into Ark. as well as federal permits from out of the country. You cannot transport animals through almost any state without proper health certificates. If transporting a Wolf, each state Wildlife office must be notified of your date and route of transport.

Lying to sell puppies isn't a good idea.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Cries for help

Well I fully understand the basic idea of animal rights. People are surely cruel and useless. I cannot support the ways of these groups or the fact that they bilk millions from the public to pay huge salaries and never a penny helps any animal.

So, the people who do hands on rescue that have no time or means to solicit funds are spending their own money. What can we do about that?

Many small under funded charities are all around in every city and state. The public doesn't know about them because they have no means of promotion.

Operations like PETA, HSUS are taking in over 100 million a year,and never leave their air conditioned offices or pick up a pile of shit, or feed a bowl of dogfood, or offer any assistance in any disaster, even though they will make the public think they do!!!

After hurricane Katrina, PETA sent a few people in T Shirts to parade around and do nothing while Best Friends, Noah, and other rescue organizations did all of the work.
Peta made the public believe they actually rescued animals? anyone have any proof?

SOJOURN INC is a Tennessee based 501c3 charity for Wolfdogs. We do hands on care and rescue, but our entire expenses for a year are under 15,000.00.
We have yet to see 1/3 of that.

Our intentions were to divert anything over that to transport and rescue expenses for all Wolfdog volunteers and emergencies involving other hands on facilities that needed help.

How does the word get out, so that those who can afford or need the tax diversion to support useless scam charities, start changing their ways?

The answer is YOU


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

More Sadness

While greedy breeders continue to make more animals, rescues are overwhelmed. Sadly, not all rescuers are what they appear either. We are engulfed by stupidity, ego, and a few very sick minds.
over 100 Wolfdogs passed through the gates at one home based so called sanctuary. No one thought to check in there now and then, and when it finally happened, the discovery lead to investigation. At last count, an estimated 45 animals have been said to have been murdered by shotgun so that this useless human could continue to grandstand amongst the rescue community as a bigtime player.

Pictures of the killing fields are too disturbing for words.

SC breeder cont'd

Well the situation goes from bad to worse. There are 15 pups, and 23 adults.
This breeder has been scamming people for years, and is also responsible for at least 2 other breeders passing on her lies.
She claims her animals to be 1st generation from captive wild Wolves. 1 she has listed as 99% from Canada???
What kind of fools believe this crap? It would be a major felony to bring wild Wolves from Canada. And how would anyone determine the % of what?
Anyone with any Wolfdog knowledge can see her animals are all low % to start with, making her pups almost not Wolfdogs at all.
People get papers with their pup with more lies then Obama's campaign.

Wolves of Honor? Pam Crisp, aka Pam Edwards. What a piece of work.

Monday, June 14, 2010

June Getting Hot

South Carolina breeder abandons 23 adults and 2 litters of pups on helper.
Pam Edwards, Greenville has been a problem all along.

Paula Fowler, breeder sells 2 pups to illegal states. NY pup is in trouble at 3 months, Fla. pup in trouble at 2 months.

This woman should be fined severely and banned from having animals.


Another black pup shows up abandoned in Texas.


Monday, May 17, 2010

More Tragedy

New England breeder has thrown in the towel, losing his home, 28 animals now in the danger zone of being killed by Animal Control. Once again rescuers scramble to find homes.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

May 9

This past week we have had 1 in the shelter in Benton Ark. claimed by the owner to be 97% Arctic Wolf. AC actually tried to tell the idiot, but he refused to listen. His White Husky / Shepherd looked to be another one from Memphis breeder Mike Parsons who sells white Huskies as Arctic Wolves.

Friday we has a pure Grey Husky in San Francisco on the Craigslist because AC supposedly threatened to take him away. Owner was claiming once again 97% Wolf.

Sioux City Iowa, 2 red Huskies locked up as Wolf Hybrids. Hostage negotiators are in progress.

This is what happens to them due to lying cheating backyard breeders.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Idiots in Maine

this is Northstarkennels reply to an offer of education.
Huskies & Malamutes do not make "Hybrids"

Dawn Hulstrunk
to me

show details 10:32 PM (23 minutes ago)

Please cease and desist any further comments about our Wolf-Hybrids we sell HYBRIDS not WOLVES It is ILLEGAL to sell WOLVES, ASSHOLE!! Our pups are Wolf mixed with Malamute and Husky. Wolfman what is your problem? We advertise our pups as HYBRIDS not WOLVES. Hybrids have different coloring and they come into heat more like DOGS! Try to learn something OK?

Universal peace be yours
John & Dawn Hulstrunk

Maine breeders

First there was Koda Ranch with their purported high content WDs, and now we have another one in Maine just sent to me.

Why would true Wolfdogs throw piebald Husky pups?

Genetics are tell all eventually.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Falling on Deaf Ears

written by someone else.

One of the buyers she sold to in Florida has been in contact with people on yahoo groups, she sold her a puppy out of her supposed two pures on her site, this one[1].jpg and this one[1].jpg

This was a pure white pup born to the two that she kept[1].jpg
along with this one[1].jpg

Anyway she sold a pup to florida, stating it was a wolf on the airline ticket and of course fish and game has showed up supposidely at the girls door and is supposed to return mon. to confiscate the puppy. The girl has no enclosure, is only worried about partying and shouldnt own a poodle never less a wolfdog. Also runs around telling neighbors and friends its a wolf.
I have been on the phone already with this Debbie Anders woman, which was kind of hard beings the lady is def. and had to go threw a translating service. Come to find out this woman will sell to anyone and any state, and isnt shy about telling you so either. Told me she was getting ready to send one to illinois.
I have been able to get info on her two claimed pures, been in contact with the breeder of the black male who is a few miles from her who's exact words is Debbies a lying nutt. Then Debbie was foolish enough to send me all the paperwork on her female, phone number names you name it, even a paper which states the mother is a 90% and father is a pure of her. So how do you get pure out of that, lol

Thursday, April 29, 2010


April wasn't quite as busy as March. Also a few positive signs that many people have slowed down or stopped breeding as our economy crashes.

A sanctuary in Oregon goes into foreclosure with 18 animals soon to likely be PTS. All of them are older, unmovable, and there is no place for them to go.

A few new recruits in rescue have saved 2 pairs that we were getting worried about.


The 2 worst states for Wolfdog abuse are Ohio and Texas. The worst of the 2 is Texas.

Carol of Texaswolves, she uses pictures of her adorable daughter to make you believe she's compassionate. More of her animals end up in shelters then any other Texas breeder. She takes none back, sells to anyone.

Katie & Sandra , WolfHaven blablabla.... a couple of completely retarded humans who claim their low content WDs are pure Wolves, and that they grow to be 400 lbs.
They claim Wolves are decendants of Lions and therefore you should use cat wormer.
Black and White dogs with jumbo ears are showing up in rescue as Mackenzie Valley Wolves??

Bill Lambert, Starcross Wolves has been run out of 1 town already, filmed by PETA as his animals killed each other, while neighbor supposedly flooded the pens full of pups and drowned a bunch.
His animals breed in packs of 20 or more so nobody knows who bred who or what is what, yet he'll tell you what % they are???
Rumor has it the SOB is sick and trying to sell the whole mess.
He's cried for rescue help numerous times in the past 2 years.

Friday, April 2, 2010



On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 6:29 PM, RightPuppy Kennel wrote:
you are a fucking pussy. big man over the internet. not man enough to speak. fucking faggot.

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 8:28 PM, Steve ="" > wrote:
real intelligent
why would I want to talk to you? Obviously you aren't a man. Just a boy who wants to fight.

You're just like Tilley, can't prove me wrong, so you get tough and say childish things.

You're an animal abuser.
The Tamaskan Breeders Assoc. wants to hang your ass.

You can only be a jackass for so long, it will all come to an end soon.

stop spamming me with your puppy mill ads

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 6:23 PM, RightPuppy Kennel "" target="_blank"> wrote:
my dogs live in an inside kennel. how would they know what month it is? why dont you call me so that we can discuss. what are you afraid of. anyway, why the fuck to you care what i do? why dont you mind your own fucking business. who made you the expert.

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 8:18 PM, Steve ="" wrote:

the fact is you don't even know that high content animals DO NOT breed in August. They only breed once a year in Jan/Feb. All pups are whelped in spring.
Arctics above the dewline will breed as late as April. So I guess that in itself should tell you something?
Anybody who is breeding animals should know the basics about them???

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 6:11 PM, Steve "" > wrote:
these are Arctics

this breeder knows his lines all the way back to the animals that first came to the mainland.
His animals are the best there is and he won't quote you %.

Either you know what you're looking at or you don't.

look how tall they are compared to you Black and Tilley's.
Look closely at their features. These are Wolves. You are a victim of lies and too lazy to research for yourself.

There are only about 8 true breeders of Wolfdogs. The rest are just letting animals breed and don't know what they are getting, so they make up %.

It isn't like Dog breeding at all.

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Steve ="" "_blank">< wrote:
I know all about it, so if you believe that jerk, then you have no clue what a Wolfdog looks like.
Same moron who thinks there is really such thing as "Rare Raven Black Yukon"

You are simple minded Kevin.

I have been living with these animals for 18 years. There's more bullshit out there then you will ever know.


attached is my Arctic / Grey cross.
As well as her pen mate, an Eastern Grey / BC cross,

that is what a Wolf looks like. Arctics have huge feet, long pasterns, dorsal capes, and wedged heads with tufts. They don't look like pink nosed Shepherds.

The black one you have is low mid% and the grey one is a Malamute with maybe 7-8 generations out

It takes years to breed good lines, and you need good lines to start with, Tilley has no clue what he's doing. He was handed a line of crap from Marsha Young and he thinks his black dog is a pure Wolf.

All you are doing is adding to the problem that rescues have to clean up. You likely have no idea what states are legal or the fact that there is a federal law that NO county shelters anywhere are permitted to adopt out an animal labeled part Wolf, even if it's a Pug.

People you sell to are handed the same BS that Tilley handed you, and they are probably breeding their "WOLVES" they bought from you.
What do you think pups from those dogs are? You don't know.

There is only 1 breeder east of Ohio that has true Arctic lines, and he breeds animals for looks and not disposition, Tilley wouldn't know a Wolf if it bit him.

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 5:08 PM, RightPuppy Kennel "" > would you like to speak with the breeder? his name is paul tilley. here is his website "" > him the % in Arctic. He bred the dog. Would you like to go in meet the wolf parents? Let me know when you would like to schedule a time and meet the parents. I can put you in the cage with the arctic wolf parents.

Dude, you are making a serious fool of yourself.
This is a Shepherd / Malamute, not a bit of Wolf.

Your \"Tamaskans\" are poorly bred northern breed mutts.

Why not stick to what you know, be the best at it rather than being a problem?

Kevin Settineri, RightPuppy, Inc.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

March madness

West Tennessee, the only pup of a mother & father rescued last year has vanished. At a year old his owner allowed him to run off lead. He has been missing on 100 acres since Mar.11 2010.


In East Tennessee a girl named Amanda is attempting to sell Husky pups as 85 - 90% Wolf Hybrids. Claiming the Mother is pure Wolf. The pups were 9 weeks old as of Mar.27. Do the math....


Slowing down this month, only about 10 new rescue calls. Several other animals have been up for adoption over a year now.


Weather caused a variety of problems , some might be good?
Ice attempted to destroy a sanctuary in NC. Lots of damage. On the other side it caused a few breeders to miss the season and as a result we might have people seeking adoptions.


Another positive note: a large puppy mill in Texas appears to be in trouble and is up for sale.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Fever

Some idiot who calls himself a hunter, shoots a Black Wolfdog in Ohio and then tells the press he thought it was a Coyote?

Got another one running loose and scared in West Tennessee.

Puppies are just coming out of the air as backyard breeders beg for any amount to sell them.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Busy Winter

2010 has started off to be worse than ever. Backyard breeders are churning out puppies at an alarming rate as humans dump last years crop in shelters all over the country.

WOLFHUSKYPUPS.COM is a scam. She will not reveal her identity, her location, or any other details. A PUPPY MILL that operates by brokering animals from dozens of unqualified backyard breeders. She threatens to sue me for slander. I'M WAITING....



We have many many animals now in need of homes. All due to greed. Please DO NOT support this GREED. ADOPTION has no fees in most cases if you qualify.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

look at this dog, blue eyes, white tipped tail. He's an Agouti Husky , Not a Wolf dog.

black & white? No Wolf in this one either. This idiot breeder claims they are "high content"
UKC is bullshit. You can register a skunk as a Wolf with UKC


The Wolfhuskypups girl who refuses to identify herself anywhere, never has, but now says it is because she is scared of me.

Looked at over 30 ads for her supposed Wolfdogs, not one Wolfdog pup.
Her website is all BS, her Youtube vids are BS. She's a scammer at the animal's expense.

If you have been ripped off by this low life, please contact me.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Forgive me father, it has been too long since my last post.

5 or 6 picked up in Texas the past few weeks. Look like Bill Lambert's poorly bred purported Wolf Hybrids from Starcross.


Ohio is quiet


1 picked up in Virginia, 2 in California, big disaster in NJ.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

bogus breeders

KODA RANCH , Gina Adams, low % animals misrepresented knowingly. Has been repeatedly informed by educators and responds with rudeness. Sells to anyone including illegal states.

SQUAW CREEK , same thing.

LUCKY 7 ? PUPSPLUS , WOLFHUSKYPUPS , Bethany, Kimberly and several other names she hides behind. Large puppy mill, sells fake Wolfdogs at inflated prices, and ships to every illegal state.
believed to be located in Utah?

HIGH DESERT WOLVES, not Wolfdogs. or Wolves as she calls them.

AZ , Stacy , inflated %, refused to send photos to inquirers and has no idea what her animals are.

RIGHTPUPPYKENNEL, puppy mill, has NO Wolfdogs, even Tamaskans are not true Tamaskans according to the Tamaskan breeders Assoc. Sells to anyone anywhere.
have already rescued 2 this year.

EDYE'S , NOT wolfdogs

WOLF HAVEN SPIRIT of THE PAST , one of the worst offenders of lies and scams. Likely mentally impared?

CHAPPARALL, Not Wolfdogs. I have personally rescued 11 of his this year. He breeds animals with genetic hip dysplasia and will never answer his phone to a buyer again after the sale.

ROMO'S RANCH , not Wolfdogs

GODFLOW, inflated %, made up breed, there is no such animal as the Rare Raven Black Yukon

, not Wolfdogs

KAJUN KENNELS , inflated % and possible not Wolfdogs

WOLF TRACK ACRES, rip off artist, inflated % , no where near what he claims

STARCROSS WOLVES, we have more than 20 of his in various facilities. He's been run out of 1 town, and watched by various AR groups. Over 100 animals have died at his place from starvation, parvo, dog fights, etc.

WOLF ACRE KENNELS, misrepresented %